6 Types Of Neighbours
I believe every human on earth has got a neighbour or two. Whether you live in a face2face apartment, a condominium, a duplex or you have your mansion sited on a large sq.mtrs, there'll always be one neighbor whom you might find cool or repugnant.
Below are 6 types of neighbours:
1. The nosy neighbour
This type of neighbour will always want to know everything about you, from what you ate to what you didn't eat. They come around asking you personal questions that you might find offensive. When you make them know you can't give out such information cos it's private, they start acting awkward. If care is not taken, their actions might make you think you just offended them. Some have developed a tactics of first dishing out personal information about themselves to you in tit-bits just to make you feel relaxed enough to reel out your life history to them thinking you are simply sharing life experiences with a brother. It will later dawn on you that you've giving such a neighbour a juicy gossip to munch with his family behind closed doors. Don't be surprised when your story gets narrated to you by someone who lives couple of streets away.
2. The noisy neighbour
Have you ever had your afternoon nap disturbed cos your neighbor thinks the afternoon is not too hot enough to blast dmx or pasuma? If no, then you definitely live in the forest. Everyday is a party to them as they turn themselves into DJs disturbing the peace. They play music so loud that you might quickly put on your party clothes thinking there's a party going on outside. Another type of noisy neighbour is the type that actually creates noise using his or her vocal cords. You can hear them from blocks away when they are just calling their child's name, a thing that can easily be done with the voice kept low cos the child is right in front of them. It might be couples who love to quarrel so loud that you might actually think they are presenting the case to you.
3. The borrow-borrow
This is very common in face2face settings. They borrow almost everything from you and sometimes forget to return them until you have to borrow them back. You can wake up around 2am and find one of them using your stove to cook without taking permission from you. Your tooth paste, matches box, dishes, food etc are not spared from their borrowing-spree. It gets so worse that they don't mind borrowing your bathing soap from you.
4. I pass my neighbour
This type feels you are his rival simply because you are both tenants in thesame building. He never wants to see you advance ahead of him. If you buy a generator, he makes sure he buys a bigger one and uses the noise to disturb your peace. When you decide to buy a car worth 500k, he goes ahead to buy the one of 2million, making it seem as if he's really rich. Such realizes how stupid they've been when you hand them an invitation to your house warming party.
5. The unfriendly
This type doesn't socialize at all. The only thing you hear from them is a greeting. Even when you try to hold a conversation with them, they make sure it's brief. Don't think they lack social skills; they just don't want to be stunned again by a nosy neighbour who might gossip about them. Some are actually friendly but don't have much time to show it cos they are too busy with their work. If you are the type that doesn't socialize with neighbours, I'll advice you start now, cos they'll be the ones to spring up on your behalf when an emergency arises.
6. The good people
These are the type of neighbours every individual will love to have. The moment you move in as their neighbour, they instantly treat you like family. They show you how to find your way around the neighbourhood and treat your belongings like they would do theirs. Such are the type you can keep your house keys with till you return from an outing. Your kids are safe with them also, as they quickly sync with theirs. But kids will always be kids. When little misunderstanding spring up between yours and theirs, they make a balanced judgment that will make you trust them more. If you were a bad person, their good attitude will make you turn a good leaf.
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