ways to make your man find you interesting and help get his mind away from sex


Have you ever wondered why the only time your man enjoys spending time with you is when you are both having sex or the prospect of it is sure? Don't you think the reason could be as a result of the fact that that's the only major thing you share with him?

If ladies knew how guys feel the very moment they get up off them after sex, they will know that sex isn't all a guy wants or what can actually make him stay for long in the relationship. After ejaculation, a lady happens to appear to the guy as the opposite of what attracted him. All that excitement and vibration disappears. That explains why some guys come up with different excuses to discharge their girlfriend immediately they've gotten what they want. It takes certain circumstances to make a guy want his girl around for long after sex.

Below are some ways to make your man find you interesting without sex crossing his mind.

1. Step into his world.

Know that there's a danger ahead if your guy demands for sex everytime you visit him. It could be him inviting you and initiating sex. Note that it doesn't mean he doesn't love you, but that can make him run out of love. Why not distract him from such by taking him out to see a football match at a bar? I believe every guy loves football. Look out for those things he loves; do them with him. Ensure he takes you along when he goes visiting his friends. You can even take him out to a barber shop for a nice shave.

2. Build your social skills.

A guy will only see you for your sexual part if you are the type that don't relate with latest happenings. What if he takes you to see his friends and they start gisting about politics, will you be able to contribute or go mute? Will you act like a newborn when they start talking about history? Learn to build yourself socially. You have a smart phone, follow the social media for latest news from the world of politics, sports, health, entertainment, career etc. When such topic pops up, you won't be found wanting. Your guy will be impressed by your knowledge. With your social skills intact, you guys will always have a lot to while away time with.

3. Be romantically flirty.

I met a girl few days back when I went for my convocation. Her elegance attracted me. She walked pass me and greeted; I had to call her as she came politely. Few hours later, we were at a cool bar watching real madrid vs athletico madrid over some drinks(though she refused to take anything). It happened that she was to travel down to lagos this same day I had planned to. While in the bus, I felt like a king when she laid her head to rest on my shoulder while I wrapped my arm across her shoulder. The only thing I could think of was how to forever pet her. That single act of hers made me see her as my baby, the one am to take good care of and protect. No idea of sex came to my mind cos no man sleeps with his baby. Even when you know your man is properly dressed, try to adjust his collars as if they weren't properly done, this will make him feel like a baby getting dressed by his mum. Hold his hands while walking in a park, sit on his laps even when there's an extra seat for you.

4. Plan dates.

You can plan dates but make sure it's according to your man's pocket worth. Tell him of a place you'll like him to take you to the following week. Make sure you ring it in his ears. On the D-day, go with the exact amount you think would be enough to cover the outing, such that when you get there and he starts acting like he can't afford such an outing or cos he's currently broke, you can just get him dressed up and surprised with the outing. It could be a cinema, an eatery, a beach outing, a concert etc.

5. Bring him into your world.

Introduce him to your friends and make sure he hangs with you whenever they are around just for him to be used to them and know them like you know his own friends. You can also take him out to parties. If the both of you are still on campus, you can have him come pick you up the moment you finish writing an exam; take a bike even if he has no ride. That will give him a sense of responsibility.

6. Buy him gifts.

What did I just say? Yes, I said buy him gifts. If you are always at the receiving end of all the goodies in a relationship, then you don't deserve to be in one. Is sex the only thing you can offer him? If yes, then you have no business complaining when he demands for it all the time. Why don't you reciprocate the material love he gives you? Surprise him with a perfume, a jeans trousers, shirts, provisions etc. Make sure they are expensive gifts cos that will spell how much you cherish him.

Well, I hope I've been able to transform someone's life today.


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