lautech social life
After the whole convocation dust had settled, I hooked up with my homeboy pablo at hephziba hostel at Under G, where we planned the night. Going round the student area called under G was like going round a mini city. I saw nice structures which are mostly student hostels owned by individuals cos Lautech is a non-residential school. Same structures can be found at Adenike, another student area. Both Under G and Adenike are the 2 student areas closer to the school; general, aroje, stadium, yoaca and randa are also heavily populated by students. Decked up in our evening wear, we decided to go get something to eat; amazing delicacy was our destination. With a sum of #250, one can get a sizeable nutritious meal at the eatry which was the first in under G before alata milk and honey, followed by crystals spring, 4D and satisfiers who have all opened branches closer to the reach of students. I remember my 100level days, when you had to invite a chick to one of those spots before she can permit you to voice out I love
While swallowing a morsel of amala, pablo tapped me to draw my attention to what his wandering eyes saw. Wow....a very voluptous chick jsut walked in, she had a mini skirt on which exposed everything before our popping eyes. That's just a bit of the many sexy scenes an Under G/Adenike night life has to offer. Spending just 5minutes in front of agbeke/ayinke hostels alone is enough to get you almost blind. These hot shorties come out in their dozens, either going to get something from a store or just feeling the evening breeze. Lautech has got some pretty babes, short, tall, slim, fat or chubby and with all the assets. We were still trying to draw our attention away from the thick shorty when a friend of pablo's called K'man walked in with 2 extra curvy babes, they all left for a bar while I waited behind to finish my meal and cos a yellow shorty was with me. As soon as I was done catching up with her, I left to join pablo and Kman plus the curvatous babes at a newly opened hotel and bar called D'kits at under G. I met Kman seated between both babes while pablo was at another seat trying to control his heart beat cos it increased since he started nursing the idea of talking to one of the babes; he said he couldn't summon courage to approach her cos she looked hot. I arrived the venue and took my seat. The bar was well airconditioned with flat screen TVs all around. There was a champions league match, so it was a full house with different sexy girls, some just sat in groups with nothing really doing. D'kits is just one of the many hot spots in lautech. You can also find Nest hotel, the niche, 777, biggs, T-sensation, liquor bar etc. At some point, I thought lautech wasn't a place for academics as most of these spots run swimming pools, nite clubs, aerobic centers etc. Pablo got me a cool bottle of beer after answering my question of why he wasn't chatting up one of the babes. I picked up my phone and called the new shorty I met earlier that day to come keep me company at the bar as planned. She showed up looking decent and refused to take anything. Some dudes were eyeing her cos she looked elegant and quite different from the other girls who all had heavy make-up on, even those girls eyed her. I wondered why that spot had so much girls on a night that was all about a football match. I later realised that the spot was a haven for yahoo boys who flood in with their expensive cars. Name that ride that costs nothing more than 5million and I'll tell you it can be found cruised by a ladokite; the crysler, camry muscle, EOD, murano, matrix etc. No chick wants to get her peruvian hair messed up by rain or dust, so the best protective helmet is a 4wheel machine with nice sound system and A/C to cool off while she pings away. Since guys don't want to end up dating the veiled girls called alhajas, they hustle hard doing all kinds of internet runz, using their brain and sometimes going spiritual to end up as punching boyz who cruise round campus in convoys and buying up bars at nite clubs. These guys are found tto be attractive by the hottest babes on campus. I don't blame both parties, cos when you have an hostel bill of #85,000, school fees of #75,000 and manuals worth #8,000 to settle, with your dad being a sepe drinker, you'll know not to fold your arms.
I looked at K'man as he was gisting with one of the voluptious girls whom I later learnt was his chick, he was definitely enjoying her company while the other babe was whiling away time with her phone. Damn, that could have been pablo's chat mate for the night. I don't blame him for not summoning courage to talk to her, cos even the K'man they came to see confessed that they are not the type to take home to mama(and to think they are just hundred level girls). Few minutes later, the girls got up to leave revealing their large buttocks to the rest dudes around who saw them off with their eyes.
After the match ended, I and pablo went off to agbeke hostel to see his school daughter, I wonder what that means. She had on a nice leggings that brought out her hips which made me beg pablo to make me his son-in-law since she's his school daughter. On our way back to hephzibar hostel for the night, I looked round the neighborhood and concluded that in the next 7yrs, the school areas might be mistaken for surulere in lagos.
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